Meet Woudline
Village: Source-Matelas, Haiti
Birthday: March 13, 2006
School: L’ecole Nazarene
Favorite Subject: Drawing, a rt
Number of Family Members: 4; mother, 2 siblings
Mother’s Name and Occupation: N/A
Woudline is a beautiful young girl who loves school. Her favorite subject in school is art and she loves to draw in her free time. Wouldine works hard in school and does very well. Outside of school she also enjoys spending time with her friends. Her and her friends love to jumprope together. Wouldine loves to sing and she often sings for the other kids during kids club. Playing with dolls is another activity she enjoys and she is also good at cooking. Thank you for investing in Woudline’s education and in turn, her future.
Hobbies: reading, drawing
Future Goals: teaching